5 Things To Know For Your Dental Office Remodel

If you are thinking about remodeling your dental office, you are probably spending some time envisioning your dream workspace. This spacious, high-tech and comfortable workspace can become a reality in surprisingly little time as long as you proceed in a careful and informed manner. There are some major concerns that should shine brighter than others as you consider the remodeling process.

Here is a look at what should be on your mind prior to this major project.

The Matter of Floor Plan and Room Size

Selecting the floor plan is a main component of the redesign. The workspace must be efficient and comfortable. The needs of the patients matter just as much as those of the staff during this planning process. Each room must have ample space but also prove to be ergonomically comfortable.
The bottom line is one style of room will not prove suitable for each and every dental care provider. When in doubt, err on the side of adding an excess of room space to accommodate for growth and the gradual implementation of new technologies. It is easier to add this space now rather than have to build even more in the future.


Consider Whether the Remodel Will Stop at the Interior

Consider remodeling the exterior of the business in addition to the interior. In particular, the sign might benefit from a revamp. Your office sign is a major aspect of your brand. It has the potential to drive traffic to or away from your office. Opt for a professional sign that really makes your location pop. This is the all-important crucial first point of contact with prospective patients that has to be absolutely flawless. Do not underestimate its potential.


Try to Focus on Growth Accommodation Rather Than Cost

Each time the prospective cost of the remodel creeps into your thoughts, counterbalance it with the vision of adding the space and resources your team needs to facilitate growth. There is no sense leaving money on the table simply due to space constraints. The temporary disruption to your office is well worth it in the long run. Maintain a steady focus on design improvements that eliminate stress and inefficiencies. The cumulative benefits of the remodel will ultimately outweigh the initial cost.


Consider the Visibility of the Space

Take some time to ponder the visibility of the space. Consider the viewpoint of a patient who walks up to the front door, walks into the building and observes the space they are entering. If the initial area has glass of some sort to maximize visibility, it will prove that much more appealing to customers and guests. Add glass doors and/or glass windows in combination with high ceilings for a comfortable entry space.

Think Long and Hard Before Moving Forward With a Dental Office Remodel

Consider the list of top concerns and questions outlined above before moving forward with your dentist office remodel. Proceed at a comfortable pace, sweat all the small stuff and you will eventually emerge with the office you have been looking for.

At HJT Designs, we are here to help you plan your dental office remodel with the expert care and attention to detial it deserves.  Contact us today for information about your upcoming remodel.

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