Embracing a Feng Shui Approach to Dental Office Design

Dental offices are medical necessities, but they often conjure negative images in the minds of patients. What people imagine happen at a dental office is generally much worse than any actual procedure. Encouraging more positive mental energy in the office can help alleviate some of those negative images, even when they aren’t true.  

You can break this mold by adopting a feng shui approach to your dental office design. This will not only result in more captivating spaces for your patients, but it can also be a selling point for potential new clients.

What Is Feng Shui?

Feng shui is the study of arranging furniture and interior spaces to encourage a positive flow of energy. It’s all about the individual being at harmony with their environment. It focuses on overall health and eliminates negative distractions, as well as an open sense of space. When you consider feng shui while redesigning your dental office, you promote healing and create a more supportive environment.

Many patients are especially skittish about visiting the dentist. This could be due to their assumptions about dental work or a bad experience in the past. Feng shui design can help put these nervous patients at ease. The concept of moving energy is very crucial to helping these patients drop their negative feelings and be more relaxed.

The Positive Effects of Feng Shui

Feng shui is focused on the concept of channeling the energy that passes through all things. Even those who do not believe in this type of energy can still benefit from feng shui-based design. A calming, carefully designed space can help people feel more comfortable.

According to feng shui design methods, when energy is blocked or strained, it can make people anxious and irritable. Employees can quickly grow tired and even lose their patience with overly anxious patients. Patients often internalize feelings of calm when they are surrounded by a peaceful design. Likewise, patients’ anxiety can increase based on what is happening around them. Feng Shui aims to make people feel welcome and for your interior space to feel “right.”

Leveraging Feng Shui in Your Office Design

Feng shui’s ability to improve the energy flow between spaces focuses on concepts of prosperity.  It’s easier to do your best work and be as successful as possible when you are in balance with your environment. When it comes to a dental office, the concept of prosperity can also apply to being prosperous in one’s health.

Feng shui design naturally helps people in these spaces feel more relaxed and welcome. This is great for your practice, because it will help put nervous patients at ease and make your office more memorable to all your patients. Hopefully, they will start to look forward to their visits with your practice, and a few simple tweaks to your interior design are all it takes.

The Waiting Room is Top Priority

Patients in an exam room are typically engrossed in the work they’re having done. Feng shui can still play a role in these rooms in terms of color choices and decorative accents. Overall, feng shui has the most impact in the waiting room.

Feng shui design can help put nervous patients at ease. When patients are more relaxed, they are typically more responsive and your staff will have an easier time addressing their needs. Eventually, feng shui design can help your practice gain a reputation for being welcoming, relaxing, and beautiful inside.

To improve productivity, put your patients at ease, and simply make your practice a more inviting place to work and visit, think about how you can incorporate feng shui concepts. At HJT Dental Office Consultants, we want to bring our customers’ visions to reality. Ask us about feng shui design and how we can reshape the energy flow of your dental office.

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