Considering Purchasing a Restaurant and Turning it into a Dental Office

If you are looking for a new place to set up your dental office but haven’t found any location that…

HJT Design

Can I Fit 5 Operatories in a Narrow Dental Office Space?

When working with a narrow dental office space one of the main concerns is how to fit your operatories in a way…

HJT Design

Layout Suggestions for your Dental Practice

As a dentist who may be considering the option of building their own dental practice or possibly opening another branch, then there are…

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How do you Negotiate Build-Out Costs for your Dental Practice?

Department stores slash their prices to draw customers. Car dealerships accept no money down. In the world of tenant versus…

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What Size Should the Front Desk of Your Dental Office Be?

The perfect reception desk is both inviting and functional. Your reception staff should have enough space to feel comfortable helping…

HJT Design

How Many Dental Operatories Are Typical for a Dental Office?

Before you can determine a fair budget for your new dental office or even begin with the design, you first…

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The Pros and Cons of Rear vs.Over-the-Patient Delivery for Dentists

Both rear and over-the-patient delivery systems provide a number of positive attributes to practicing dentists. If you are looking for…

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How Much Will it Cost to Construct a Dental Office in Your Region?

Determining how much you will pay for your new dental office is a complex matter that requires an understanding of…

HJT Design

Dental Office Design Software for the Informed Dentist

Dental office design software is becoming more and more available, both online and off, with today's free design software applications.…

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From Dirt to Dental Office: Questions for Your Contractor

Hiring the right contractor for your dental office design is extremely important. You will want to find someone reliable, someone…

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