Color is the Key to a Great Dental Office Remodel

Faded paint on the walls, worn out furniture and outdated lighting fixtures mean it’s time for a room remodel. When your office feels drab, unappealing and unwelcoming, one of the easiest steps you can take to remedy the problem is to invest in a room remodel.

Change Your View

A new look can change the entire aesthetic appeal of the space and can impact how your patients view you and your practice. Remodeling a treatment room or your entire dental office space is never as easy as picking out some new furniture or hanging a few new pictures on the wall though.

There are many design elements necessary for a successful dental office remodel. But, one of the most important elements to consider is the color scheme.

This is one of the first interior design elements to decide as it will influence the direction you take with every other aspect of your dental office remodel.

Style Your Mood with the Right Color Design

The colors you choose for your office remodel will change everything for your patients. Did you know there’s a psychology behind color selection?  The color or colors you choose will have a great impact on your patients’ dental office experiences. Your color schemes have the potential to:

  • Promote socialization in your waiting room and between your patients and staff
  • Influence human emotion
  • Improve productivity among your staff
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Affect individual perceptions
  • Reduce negative behaviors.

Let’s face it; many people do not like going to the dentist. Fear and anxiety are very common emotions for many patients. From the moment your patients walk into your office, you want them to feel at ease and confident that they are going to receive high quality dental care. Being in a space that is welcoming, warm, and relaxing can help to calm those nerves before your patients step foot in an exam room.

Know Your Audience

Who is in your primary demographic of dental patients? Defining this will help you determine the right color scheme for your room color, furniture and décor.

Do you run a pediatric dental practice? If so, you may choose bright, fun colorful accents that will help young children see the dentist as fun.

Do you practice in a rural community or small town? You may consider natural earth tones and colors with shade added that reflect the style of the region.

Are you looking for a softer aesthetic appeal to connect with your audience? If so, consider neutral base tones of the walls with colorfully tinted accent pieces throughout the room.

There’s no right or wrong answer, but the key is to know what look will make your patients feel most comfortable while in your office.

Color Schemes Affect Your Staff

The psychology behind color selection even impacts your dental staff. Certain colors -like green, for instance- are believed to promote balance, harmony and peace. Consider using shades of green as a primary color choice in the spaces that your staff may be working at together. The color red is thought to encourage physical strength, warmth, energy & stimulation, and courage.

Are you looking for natural leaders to step up among your office staff? If so, consider new ways to incorporate red into your design and throughout the practice. Do you want to create a sterile feeling in the office, both for your patients and your staff? Go with all white, beige or cream color schemes throughout the office.

The point is, be sure to ask yourself this question before you pick a color scheme for your dental office remodel. “What do I want my patients and staff to feel and experience when they walk into the office?” Once you do that, you can easily do some research, or ask the experts, to determine the best color scheme for your office space.

The industry experts at HJT Dental Design Consultants have the knowledge and insight needed to help you discover your dream for your dental office design. This expertise guides how they listen to you and make your ideas become reality. Contact us today to learn more about color selection and your dental office remodel project.


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