Creating an Ideal First Impression With Your Dental Office’s Design

First impressions count. They determine what your clients think of you and whether they’ll come back or choose another dentist. A good dental office design that exudes an aura of confidence and professionalism will go a long way into proving that you are the right person for the job long before you begin talking to the patient. While this might sound obvious, many dentists get it all wrong by choosing the wrong design or skipping the process all together.

Know Who You Are and Let Your Design Show It

The first step to getting a dental office design that makes the ideal first impression is to know what kind of a dentist you are. Are you the free-thinking type who don’t advocate for an uptight work setting or do you prefer the mainstream suit-and-tie approach? An easy office design will let you set the mood right if you prefer putting your clients at ease. A more formal approach will be appealing to a different market niche and have you change your employee outlook to match the theme.

Make the Smaller Spaces Look Bigger

Making your office spacious and less cluttered sends a clear message of organization and your dedication to making both the employees and the clients happy. Since renting bigger office space means a bigger bill, it would be wise to invest in an interior design concept that will bring out the very best in your available space. The right organization, correct furniture, appropriate paint, lighting and fixture positioning goes a long way into making small spaces appear bigger. Talk to your office designer in advance and let him or her know that this is one of your priorities.

Sacrifice Space for Strategic Office Location

The neighborhood goes a long way into setting your first impressions right. Using clever interior design strategies and encouraging telecommuting will cut down on the effective office space you need to run your dentist business. Consequently, you can afford to rent and operate from smaller office space in a prestigious neighborhood. You will have higher chances in landing more clients with a small well planned office in a strategic location than with a large office that is in an awkward location that is inconveniencing to current or potential clients.

Make Your Design Stand Out From the Neighbors

Chances are that you will be sharing your office space with other businesses. Standing out of the crowd and letting passersby know there is a dentist in the building is crucial for business. Make your business hard to ignore by studying your neighbor’s office design concepts and coming up with something bold but acceptable. The idea is to stand out of the crowd and let people find you without breaking a sweat.

While a clever outside, entrance and interior design is key to accomplishing this, you should also:

  • Seek for an opportunity to get brand naming rights outsider your office space
  • Negotiate for a strategic location that is either near the building’s entrance or at an easy to customize corner. This will help you design your office’s exterior perfectly for good outdoor branding

There are endless opportunities to making a great first impression with your dental office design. The best way to turning your dream to reality lies in working with a great designer who understands your needs and has what it takes to do corporate work with marketing in mind.


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