How to Use Modern Styles to Improve your Dental Office Design

Sterile spaces remind us of a gone ere in medicine; today medical offices look a lot like private hotel rooms and art installations. In dentistry, there is more leeway for you to experiment and embrace what modern styles have to offer.

While thinking about your dental office design, you need to consider how different styles will attract and retain patients in your community, and how they will improve the value you offer to your staff. Modern styles in dental office design favor a human-centered approach, allowing you to create a space that makes patients and employees feel comfortable and inspired.


Similarities between Design and Medicine

Today, dental office designs share the same principles with medicine — there is a lot of research, data-driven decision making and constant reassessment to make sure you create a space that influences the patient experience positively. The best designers in the market will consider every little detail from reducing the distance from the treatment room to the recovery room to choosing finishes that reduce the rate of infections.

While working with designers, they will introduce many modern styles to the planning process; look at the changes from a humanistic perspective and the influence the changes may have on your patients and their experience in the clinic.

Form vs. Function

Modern styles believe in the in the adage that ‘form follows function’. Your dental office design should help you run your clinic more efficiently. The idea is to create a dental office that improves your team’s productivity. You will reduce the amount of time patients spend at the clinic, which can greatly improve return visits and allow you to serve more customers by the hour.

The Perfect Circle

Modern style appreciates that nature is cyclic, and tries to mimic this principle in design. In your dental office design, this translates to how patients receive care. You need to plan your office in a perfect circle, where patients walk into the reception, to the treatment room, the recovery room and back to the reception.

This perfect circle makes it easy for patients to know where to go next, reduces traffic jams on hallways and increases productivity. It also saves your dentists from being caught up in conversations as patients leave, allowing them to dedicate ample time to the other patients.

Patients vs. Staff

Modern styles encourage collaboration while respecting the need for privacy. While redesigning your dental office by these principles, you will have multiple opportunities to improve interaction between patients and your staff.

However, you need to understand where to create boundaries, such as creating separate entrances for patients and staff. Creative placement of partitions and walls can help you provide your staff the privacy they need.

For example, it is not good for patients to see a dentist arrive late or a dental hygienist walk out at the end of a shift while they are still waiting to receive a service. Creating private spaces allows your staff to take breaks or even resolve conflicts away from the scrutiny of patients. This way, patients only have access to an efficient, serene and smiling team.


Modern is Good!

Dental office design can benefit greatly from modern styles. You need to start thinking of a data-driven design that focuses on improving the experience of your patients. The team at HJT Dental Designs specializes in dental office renovations. They understand modern style and the influence design can have in your office.

Together with their team of experts, you can create a space that improves efficiency and productivity while giving patients the ultimate experience. If you are getting ready to begin a dental office expansion contact HJT Dental Designs today for a free estimate on your new office.

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