What Are The Staples of a Welcoming Waiting Room?

Your waiting room is the first chance you have to tell your patients you care about their well-being.

Their first impression of you and your practice begin here. 

A well-designed and functional waiting room can be a huge asset.  It can reduce patient anxiety and enhance patient perceptions about quality of care. 

Visual Design

What your waiting room looks like matters. It is usually the first thing patients see when they walk in the door.

Everything matters, from the color of the paint and carpet to the lighting, and layout.  You will want your reception desk to be front and center. The front desk should also be the largest piece of furniture in your patient lounge. It is the one thing you should splurge on.


Seating in your patient lounge should be both supportive and stylish. There is nothing worse that sitting for several minutes next to a stranger on a cold, hard chair. You’ll want to opt for chairs that are cushioned. And offer the option of some chairs with armrests and some without.

If you have a practice that caters to families and children, consider adding couches and love seats so families can sit together comfortably.


You will want to make sure your patients have distractions in the waiting room. Not only does this help them pass the time, but also it eases tensions and anxiety. Books and magazines are a staple in waiting lounges. In addition, a television mounted on the wall is a good start. 

An even more user-friendly design allows patients to be productive while they wait. Consider offering free Wi-Fi to patients while they wait. Charging stations for phones, tablets and laptops may also be an asset, along with desks or work tables to allow patients taking time off work for their appointments to complete some tasks.

It will show you value their time.

Pamper Your Patients

The best way to show your patients you care is the pamper them. You may want to add a small coffee bar in the corner, or a mini refrigerator stocked with water for your patients to enjoy as they wait. These simple refreshments further show your patients you care about their comfort. This can also make them feel more at ease.


Your waiting area provides a perfect audience to market yourself. Make sure you have information on services and products available in both print and digital formats. You can also use digital signage to provide patients with useful bits of information. 

A beautiful waiting room promotes health, wellness, and productivity. Let your waiting room work better for you and your practice. HJT Dental Office Consults can create waiting room spaces soothing unique and special for you and your patients.

Contact us for a consultation today. 

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