Finding Out What Aspects Make Your Dental Office Space Outdated


Technology in the office helps you keep in touch with patients online and streamlines your operations. In today’s world, you need to upgrade your office to match client preferences and to improve client retention. A successful upgrade begins with identifying outdated aspects in your office; exploring available alternatives; testing out different options and implementing the necessary changes.

Some of the outdated aspects include:

Filing Cabinets and Paper Files

Paper files make it easy for you to lose patient information. They are highly susceptible to accidents such as spills, and do not offer the backup you need in case you lose a file. The cabinets required to keep the files are often bulky and do little to spice up your interior décor as you always have to prioritize functionality over aesthetics. Paper files are also bad for the environment.

Switch up your filing and record management to a management software, with cloud storage for security. Management software is cost effective, timesaving, secure, and helps you save on space. You also make communication with patients easier; you can set up an automatic email dispatch system to remind patients about appointments, send bills via email or send text messages to share important information with clients.


Furniture pieces in the offices are both aesthetic and functional. If your seats and tables start showing signs of wear and tear such as torn fabric, chipping paint, or faded parts; it is time for you to upgrade. Depending on the furniture available, you can choose to repurpose it, reupholster it or replace it. For example, if you have a classic, timeless piece with memories of your first day at your practice, you can just polish it up. However, if your furniture is broken, consider getting new, stylish pieces to suit your clients’ style preferences. Look for eco-friendly options such as up cycled furniture or pieces from bamboo.


As your clinic grows and accommodates more people, you may need to upgrade your plumbing to make sure it can handle the increasing amount of fluids leaving your office. One sign that your plumbing needs upgrading is the presence of mold and mildew in the facility. Ingesting mold can cause dangerous health effect and lead to lawsuits from patients and staff members. Focus on both eliminating the mold and upgrading your plumbing to prevent a repeat of the same in the future.

Your Online Presence

Your patients spend a substantial amount of their time online shopping, communicating with friends and love ones, banking and looking for information, including tips to help them improve their dental hygiene. A website allows you to share your experience and expertise with content such as the latest technology, dental hygiene tips and your best work with existing patients. You also have an opportunity to appeal to other internet users, who can become your patients.

Outsource website management software to help you with your front office tasks and to give patients access to information 24/7. Investing in the right website management services can gradually help you reduce operational and overhead costs while improving efficiency in office administration.

An outdated dental office can affect your ability to attract and retain patients, making it stressful for you to run a sustainable practice. Start your upgrade with small aspects such as wall décor and move up gradually. Focus on both esthetic and functional aspects to makes ensure you give your patients the best experience during their dental visits. Speak to the team of dental office experts at HJT designs to help remodel and upgrade your practice.

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