What Patients Notice and Care About in Your Dental Office

Experts contend that it takes just one-tenth of a second for a person to judge someone else and develop a first impression This ability – for better or worse – also transfers to spaces, In other words, first impressions do matter – especially when it comes to matters of personal health. 

For this reason, the owner of a dental healthcare practice needs to be particularly cognizant of what patients notice and also care about. Here are some of their more notable concerns:

Am I Reasonably Comfortable?

As a dental professional, you can frame the argument any way you want but, believe it or not, many people do not really look forward to their visit to the dentist’s office. On their way in, everything should be welcoming and made to make them feel comfortable. From the colors on the wall through the ergonomic chairs that they sit on to the artwork on the wall should be designed to calm them. In other words, keep your patients happy up front and they will be likely to remain happy throughout the entire treatment process.

Am I Continually Occupied?

Personal entertainment is another area that patients in the 21st century notice and they must be accommodated. A television and paintings are a good start in a waiting room but free wi-fi is really the way to go. This technology is relatively cheap to provide and allows each patient to pursue their own entertainment choices while waiting instead of watching the same channel as everyone else on the television.

Am I Actively Engaged With the Staff?

No patient likes to wait and – no matter how good your scheduling system – delays are inevitable. Communication is the best way to overcome this obstacle to customer dissatisfaction and not just at check-in but also throughout the entire treatment process. Your staff should be intimately knowledgeable about how long patients have been waiting and when they will finally be seen by the doctor.

Am I Well-Served By the Doctor?

Obviously, the bottom line in healthcare at any dental practice is how well the doctor does his job. Having the very best in the latest generation of high-tech dental analytic devices a hard/soft tissue laser, a crown mill and a digital impression system are all great additions are expensive but they are just the start of the investments you must make in your practice. Still, they are also appreciated by patients.

Am I Happy When I Leave?

The most successful dental practices are the ones that continue to have repeat business from patients. It is a delicate process that subtly requires keeping the client happy throughout the entire process. Nowhere is this more important than at the end when they are paying and being asked to return. In short, no matter what their experience – good or bad – the one thing that patients will remember is how they were treated at the very end of their appointment. Your staff should make this part of the process as painless and memorable as possible. A happy and satisfied patient is more likely to refer your services to their friends and family.

For further information on what clients really want and need form their dental care provider, please contact us at HJT Design. We can be found online at HJTDesign.com or reached directly by phone at 866.213.1268.

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