Why Expanding Your Dental Office Space Helps Patient Mood

Expanding your dental office space stands to provide you, your staff, and your patients with numerous benefits that you may not realize. While you could look at an expansion of your dental office space as a significant expense, you should be looking at it as a significant investment into your practice and the satisfaction of your patients. Here are three reasons why increasing your space will increase your patient satisfaction and serve your dental practice.

1. Your Waiting Room Won’t Feel Cramped

There is nothing worse than showing up for a medical or dental appointment and being crammed into an overly cramped dental office space. Even if the wait time is reasonably short, patients hate to feel as though they are being stacked upon one another. Additionally, those that are experiencing anxiety about their dental work will likely feel even more agitated if the waiting room is cramped. By expanding your dental office space, you will be able to provide ample space for your patients while they are waiting for their appointment to begin.

2. You Can Add More Members To Your Team

As you expand your office space, you will find that you now have more room to add additional treatment rooms and work spaces which will allow you to add more members to your team. As you bring on additional dentists, hygienists, and support staff, you will be able to accommodate a higher number of patients and greatly reduce waiting times. The more members you have on your team, the better your customer service will be, which will serve to attract more and more patients in order to support your practice.

3. Room For More Patient Rooms

As your dental practice continues to grow, it is essential that you make the necessary adjustments to your dental office space. Aside from adding more space to your waiting room, you can make your patients much more comfortable by adding additional treatment rooms. The additional rooms will be of great comfort to those patients that prefer to wait in a more private setting. Furthermore, you will be able to expand the services that you offer with the additional treatment rooms.

For example, if you haven’t previously offered orthodontics as part of your practice, the additional space will provide you with the opportunity to do so which will in turn please your patients in need of those services. The less that you have to refer your patients outside of your practice, the better. Expanding your office space will allow you to eliminate a great deal of those outside referrals.

Considering Expanding Your Dental Practice?

If you have been thinking about expanding your dental office space, we would love to offer you some guidance and advice on how to get the job done right. We focus our expansion efforts on providing as many benefits to the patients and the practice as possible by taking in the whole picture. Schedule a free consultation with HJT Design today for more information about how we can help you to expand your dental office.

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