Factors to Consider Before Expanding Your Dental Office Space

As the demand for dentists grows, you will experience an increase in the number of patients at your practice. Planning for the increase early is important to preventing incidences of overcrowding or discomfort among your patients. In your plan, factor in the space you need for patients, equipment and for your staff. The objective is to create an inspiring and inviting space for everyone.

Technology and Equipment

In dentistry, increasing your appeal to clients means getting the latest technology to improve service delivery and the overall company culture. However, bringing in more equipment to the practice can get your office crowded, forcing you to expand. Evaluate how much space you need to accommodate any new equipment in the office, including state of the art furniture to improve the experience for your patients.

Think of the expansion as an investment for your practice; plan it accordingly to fit into your overall design theme. For example, if you identify as a family clinic, the expansion needs to focus on creating a space that is inviting to the entire family to include a play area for kids and a space where adults can enjoy some alone time with a device or their favorite book.

Clients and Revenue

Growing demand means you may need to expand your clinic to cater to the increase in clientele. The objective is to give your clients a comfortable space where they can relax as they wait for services. A growing client base can easily crowd your waiting room, making clients feel rushed even before they receive the services they need. If you start noticing a growing crowd in your lounge, it is time to start the expansion.

However, one big factor that can limit your ability to expand to meet client needs is finances. If you have a steady revenue stream, you can take out a loan or make a payment plan with your contractor to start the expansion. Look at the project as an investment that is likely to increase your revenue, and bring in profits in the long-term


A growing clientele means increasing your staff to serve your patients fully. This translates to more space to accommodate bookkeepers, dental assistants, and secretaries as they go about their daily duties. A spacious office creates a more professional environment, reducing the chances of your staff bumping into each other as they get their work done. An expansion can also create more space in the staff room, allowing your team to take a relaxing break whenever they need it.


Once you settle on the expansions you need for your dental office, you need to consider the timelines of the project and the effect they may have on operations at your practice. Sometimes the work needed to make the expansion successful will require you to close the clinic for a couple of days. Consider the effect such a closure will have on your office; for example, if you work a lot with kids, schedule the expansion on weekdays when they are likely to be at school.

Expanding your dental office can significantly influence your bottom line and overall success as a dentist. However, the effort and time you put into the planning process can influence customer retention and your bottom line in the long-term. Go through a checklist of all the changes you need with your contractor and state your objectives clearly. HJT Design Consultants specialize in creating amazing spaces for dentists and their patients; call them with your expansion project and let them help you reach your goals.

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