Giving Your Dental Office a Discernable Brand Identity

Dental offices are medical care centers, but more often than not, they are also businesses meant to generate income and grow. A big part of gaining new customers is conveying value and reliability, and you can accomplish this easily by crafting a strong, memorable brand identity for your practice.

A contractor and designer can help you decide the message you want to send to your patients and customers with the visual elements you choose. If you’re thinking of renovating, expanding, or moving your office, research some design ideas you’d like to see in the result. Make sure your branding has a place in this, and read through the following for pointers on how to develop a discernable brand identity.

Determine Your Target Patient

Is your focus family care, pediatric dentistry, or higher end aesthetics? Your branding needs to resonate with the particular kind of dentistry you practice. If you primarily serve children, your branding should reflect fun, positivity, and trustworthiness in a meaningful way. Children may not notice logos and branding, but their parents will, and it’s important to send the message that their kids are safe in your hands.

If your dental office focuses on high-end cosmetic dentistry for wealthy patients, you need to go the extra mile to develop a brand image that resonates with this type of customer. These patients need to see luxury, premium quality, and professionalism.

No matter what type of client you choose, one basic design concept worth keeping in mind is “less is more.” People don’t like “busy” or overly complex designs as the mind doesn’t always know where to focus. A simple statement is the most powerful.

Branding Choices

Branding and logo recognition can give your patient a powerful connection to your identity. The brand image you cultivate is going to be the first thing that comes to mind when they think about your practice, so make sure you create one that falls in line with your mission for your practice and your values.

Additionally, make sure your logo doesn’t mirror other dentist’s logos. Not only does this help set you apart from the crowd, it also lends credibility to your brand by being unique. Your patients should be able to see your logo and immediately recognize it as yours.

Your branding image should be consistent across all your various channels of connecting with patients as well. Chances are likely today that your practice offers patients some sort of online portal for scheduling appointments, making changes, and requesting visits. Make sure your branding is consistent in your physical location and website, so your customers can easily recognize that they’re in the right place.

Consult Professionals

If you’re in need of a new logo, want to rebrand your entire practice, or your website needs a facelift, turn to skilled professionals with experience and know-how. You can probably find a graphic designer to help you develop your branding, and HJT Dental Office Consultants is here to help you as well.

Dental office design in today’s world needs to be technology driven and recognizable amid a sea of competitors. Falling short in your design efforts could mean your practice isn’t getting the attention it deserves. Talk to the experts at HJT Dental Office Consultants about what you want to see from your branding efforts.

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