7 ideas to incorporate a kids area into your waiting room


Spending time in a waiting room is awfully difficult for little ones. They are nervous about their upcoming appointment and full of energy. You can ease their nerves by making your waiting room as kid-friendly as possible. Here’s how to do it.

Add Small Furniture for the Little ones

Incorporate some pint-sized furniture in your waiting room and kids will feel right at home. Scale means a lot to youngsters. They are used to climbing up into large chairs designed for adults. Add some smaller furniture to your waiting room and the little ones will likely sit in place, feel comfortable and possibly even be quiet. Ideally, you will add furniture for kids beyond small chairs. Try to incorporate at least one love seat without armrests. This way, parents can sit next to their little ones and keep them under control. It will also help to add some small tables with magazines, books and tabletop toys. This way, children can move back and forth between their kid-size seats and the table instead of dwelling on the upcoming treatment.

Shapes and Colors Matter to Kids

Kids love oddly-colored and shaped furniture, toys and other items. When in doubt, select ottomans, pillows, reception benches and other waiting room items that are designed in a unique manner. Items with loud colors, cool designs and fun shapes will make your waiting room that more more enjoyable for nervous children.

Soft is Always Better

Do not load up your waiting room with hard or bulky toys. Opt for small, soft toys that won’t cause damage if kids smack them against the walls or furniture. Do not pay for hard seating or tables. Opt for seating that is soft to the touch and can be cleaned with ease. Fabric also reduces noise as it absorbs sound. Harder materials tend to amplify sound, sending noise all across the room.

Give the Kids Something to Do

Some orthodontists and other medical professionals provide video game consoles and TVs for their younger patients. Certain types of video games put kids at ease. There is no doubt a child who plays a game rather than worrying about the upcoming session will be in a better mood when it is time for treatment. If you don’t want to invest in anything elaborate, opt for basic toys and children’s books to keep the little ones occupied.

Mind the Lighting

Remove that fluorescent lighting from your waiting room and the kids will be much more comfortable. Artificial light is linked to migraine headaches. A child with a headache will be cranky and might put up a fuss during his treatment. Opt for strategically placed lamps and soft light to keep the kids calm.

Liven up the Walls

Give the kids something to look at in your waiting room aside from plain-colored walls. Add decals, posters, paintings and other stimulating items. Even adding a window for a look at the outdoors will intrigue kids.

Studies have shown aquariums benefit the little ones as well as adults by boosting mood and decreasing blood pressure. If you opt for an aquarium, make sure it is stable enough that it can’t be knocked down by a rambunctious child.

When in Doubt, put Yourself in the Child’s Position

Once you have made some kid-friendly alterations, step back and take a moment to view your waiting room from the perspective of a child. Consider whether youngsters are comfortable and have enough to do. If you can’t envision a little one enjoying his time in the waiting room, continue to make changes until the space is truly appealing to kids.

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