Should I Look for Someone Local to Design my New Dental Office?

It is no longer a debate whether a building project should be designed by the local architects. It has been occurring with greater frequency that project owners have more choices other than the local architect to design their projects from theme parks, hospitals, shopping complexes, high-rises, and dental offices. Those project owners wanted the right architect with the right skill sets for their project and not just one with close proximity to the project location.

Below are a few important factors to consider when contemplating between local architects or out-of-town architects for your dental office project.

How the project team interacts and collaborates can make or break the project regardless of whether they are local or out of town. It is important that there is good synergy between the entire project team and that all team members are well versed in their area of specialty so they can contribute value to the project and not be a hindrance due to their lack of experience. For example, a local architect that designs great business office buildings may not be adequately versed enough to design and oversee dental office projects without the collaboration/support from a dental design consultant or better-a dental design architect.

The good news is the inexperienced local architect does not have to wing-it on his or her own and can partner up with an out of town dental design consultant/architect to comfortably take on the project. Conversely, the out of town architect, though, can do the entire project, but may want, or decide to partner up with, a local architect. These working partnerships are mutually beneficial for both the design architect and the local architect (aka architect of record), being that the design architect has another architect overseeing the project he/she had designed and the local architect gets exposure in learning about working on a dental office.

Technologies have made it possible for architects to pursue and offer their expertise for projects in ways like never before. It’s as if they are located a few doors down the street.

Comparing Out of Town Dental Design Consultant/Architect vs. Local Professionals

• Broaden owner’s choices and options for acquiring the right candidate with the right qualifications and skills needed for the job.

• Communication platforms have allowed more flexibility for both the design team and project owners to communicate, whenever they need to and not bound to traditional business structures or business hours.

• Use of virtual meetings allows more team members to participate, share the latest information, and decisions to be shared or made in real time. It provides better collaboration and interactions without the added costs for travel.

• Architects allocate a set amount of time for site visits/observation, at certain project milestones. There is no need for architects to make daily site visits, unless special contractual arrangements are made to provide such added services.

In summary, it is no longer a question of whether to stay with the local architectural talent or go with the out of town architectural talent for your project, but rather who has the talent and skill set needed for your project and whether you are comfortable with your choices of who you work with.

Why Choose HJT

Your dental office is a direct representation of you, the dentist, and your visions. It’s important that it reflects you and the quality of care you provide to your patients. We welcome the opportunity to bring your visions to light through insightful designs that meet your clinical requirements and aesthetic criteria while optimizing efficiency and functionality for your practice’s everyday needs.

With our years of collective knowledge and experience we have a deep understanding of the functionality and unique needs within the dental industry. We invite you to contact HJT (866) 213-1268 to start the dialogue regarding a plan for your current or new office and how we can implement your unique visions. We look forward to talking with you soon.

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