Finding the Right Dental Architect for Your Dental Practice

Posted by: HJT Design

If you’re planning on building or designing a new dental practice, then it’s important to find a reputable architect to work with. Unfortunately, you may find that there are a lot of dental architects out there to choose from, making the decision on who to choose a bit difficult. The following are a few tips that […]

7 Reasons You Need More Than Just a Designer for Your New Dental Practice

Posted by: HJT Design

Designing, building, remodeling a dental office is much different from many other projects. Patients often prefer a dental office that’s comfortable, stylish, and welcoming. Because many people associate dental treatment with pain and discomfort, you can keep your patients at ease by ensuring that your office is built in the right way.

Should I Move My Dental Practice?

Posted by: HJT Design

There are many reasons to consider moving your dental practice to a different location. While your current office may have been close to perfection in prior years, that might not be the case today. You may be dealing with situations beyond your control, such as a change in demographics, reduced traffic, or changes in traffic […]

How to Find the Right Location for Your New Dental Office

Posted by: HJT Design

You’ve all probably heard the saying, “location, location, location” when buying or renting real estate. There’s a valid reason for that saying, especially when it comes to finding the right location for your new dental office. One of the most important aspects of starting a new dental practice is the physical location of where you […]

The Power of First Impressions: 7 Dental Office Reception Ideas

Posted by: HJT Design

When it comes to designing your dental office space, your reception area is an incredibly important area to focus on. Not only do you need the staff at your reception desk to be able to deal with patients coming in and out of your office in an effective and efficient manner, but the reception space […]

How Large is an Ideal Operatory?

Posted by: HJT Design

If your dental practice is in need of a remodel or you’re moving your practice into a new building and remodeling is a necessity, then one of the most important things you’ll need to consider is the size of your operatories. While you might be tempted to add as many operatories to your layout as […]

Is Your Dental Practice Marketing to the New Generation?

Posted by: HJT Design

Having an established patient base is extremely important in the dental industry. Your patients are what keep you in business, and patient retention can be a difficult thing to master. Dental patients can come and go for any number of reasons and getting them to become regular patients who receive regularly scheduled preventative care is […]

How Can Dental Ergonomics Improve Your Practice?

Posted by: HJT Design

How many hours do you spend at work every day? Eight? Ten? Maybe even more. Chances are, if you’re working in the dental industry, you and your employees will spend about half of your waking hours at work. This means constantly bending over, long hours on your feet, manipulating dental instruments, and repetitive up-and-down movements […]

Tips For Creating a Stunning Dental Office Design

Posted by: HJT Design

In the world of Interior Design, sometimes the phrase “less is more” can go a long way in added beauty and appeal to any space. The minimalist approach has been extremely popular in recent years due to its emphasis on this very topic. Big can also be gawdy. Flashy can easily become overstated, and generic […]